Friday, August 23, 2013

Welcome love bugs!!!!!!!

Oh my Cherry kisses!!! Love has been thinking about this for a while and she's making it official. This is Love's fan blog site...thing...okay so Love didn't really think this through all the way, but she's been trying to think of ways to get closer to her love a none creepy way. Lol.

So this is it. Love will remain on Wattpad, of course, but on here you love bugs can keep up with her and find out why it's taking Love so long to update and whatnot. And feel free to ask questions, start discussions, leave comments. Love just wants to get to know her fans better. She owes a lot to you guys for the support on her stories.

Honestly Love never even thought that she would get this far when she started Wattpad. She was still kind of new to the whole writing thing and didn't really know what would draw in readers. When Falling In Love With  Jonathon Evans got the response that it did, Love was so thrown away. So while Love can't do too much for her love bugs, she would love to get to know you all better. She is so grateful for all of you.

Well until next time, Cherry kisses!!!! *mwah mwah mwah MWAH*

P.S. Should Love put up some video logs??? O.O